Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Performing Arts at 25 Junior High School

25 JHS is organize an performing arts . From my class 8.3 is show Gombal Gembel and we got third winner for the cleanest class of the year .My class is the funniest , Thank you

The Perfect Day

In TytyanKencana is very crowded and noisy with fireworks , that for celebrate Idul Fitri . But , I and My brother “AXEL” just extermination a mosquito and ironed all of our clothes . The night before Idul Fitri , I and My brother exterminated mosquito because there is a lot of mosquito in the house , And after prayed Idul Fitri I , My Father , and My Brother went for silaturahmi to all of my neighbor , after that I and Axel Ironed all of our clothes . Then we went to MOI for get lunch and watch film .