Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Queen Of Awesome Community (Dewi's word)

Dewi Dharma
Dewi's miraculous words :

*) There is no twin things in this world.Even a twin sister is different by name.Except Oprah Winfrey and Riyo Mori in their famous black gucci gown.

*)Scar is not something to be hidden , it is something to be healed.

*)Being a teen is being trendy , awesome , and fabulous. Being a chick is being smart , sexy , and fabulous.

*)Love never ruins a friendship.if a friendship was ruined by love , ask again , was it really love ? :)

*) What is popular is not always right. What is right is not always popular.

*)When you make a mistake , that becomes a mistake.

*) Good things happen to good people , you're one of them . :)

That's my words , i hope you are entertained :)

By : Dewi Dharma

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